Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I, Perseus: Exoneration, a #FreeTaj Aftermath...

For 10 months I had been a political prisoner - held in bondage by the machinations of a pathological liar pretending to be a victim.

For 10 months I had been prosecuted and persecuted by a District Attorney assuming to represent "the People" by vilifying me for crimes I did not commit, and upping the ante against me for not capitulating.

For 10 months, I had been denounced as an abuser and a villain by her supporters -  and by those assuming the worst of men in light of the #MeToo era.

For 10 months my own friends and family questioned my innocence, and ever rallied to her side.

But now, I am free - and I am triumphant over the evil that is Dominique Christina.

The entire case against me dropped due to an admitted "lack of evidence", while my accuser is herself now facing charges and prison time for fraud and theft.

At the hearing on December 14th, after the DA moved to drop charges (scratch your head on that), the Harpy read a statement lambasting me and doubling down on her claims of victimhood and boasting of her "resilience".

It was a speech akin to 100 pounds of (literal) bullshit, accompanied by the requisite faux tears and wavering voice.

I feared that, as usual, her spiel would be received as emotionally compelling.

However, I must apologize for underestimating the judge and even the DA on this point - because they saw through the theatrics and summarily dismissed her diatribe - and the judge summarily dismissed my case...

...and apologized.


To me.

I walked away and into freedom with the case sealed - the judge didn't even require an argument from my lawyer to do so.

And now, I am at a crossroads. I will not lie - I want to see her crucified for what she did to me - and to others.  See, I am not any of her prior victims who have been silent because they are themselves either morally compromised in their dealing with her, or they are embarrassed and traumatized into stoicism, or they are plain cowards.

I have had advice after advice offered to me, all sounding the same: 

Let it go...
Move on with your life...
You know she's crazy, leave her alone...
She's out to get you...

I hear it - and it all comes from those who love me and have my interest at heart. But not one of them has experienced what I have. Not one has done prison time for something they didn't do - or done time because of her.

They are not me and I am not them. And while I have been victimized by her, I am not like her other victims. I am not Ietef. I am not Robin. I am not Fatima. I am not Will.

I am not even Shamma (the homeowner Dominique stole from) - I am worse.

I am not one of her flying monkeys. I do not love her. I do not want to sleep with her. I do not have such low self esteem that I cannot bear her to be mad at me.

Dominique stole from me. .😡 Stole everything, from my baby pictures to my birth certificate. She stole my grandfather's books. She stole my vacuum cleaner, my toolbox and (gasp!!) my whole damn comic book collection.

Worse - because those are things a fire can steal too - she stole my freedom. She stole me from my daughter at a time I needed to be there for her - and now I have to bear the brunt of her anger and disappointment over my absence.

She also stole the life of my newly conceived child, her lies bringing about a miscarriage.

However, I am not the slave who will work in the field with a bowed back. I will not be the slave who stays because he is told by other slaves not to run to the North. Hell, I am the slave who does not want to run, but wants to burn down the house of the one who raped his mother and whipped the flesh off of my back.

They say that success is the best revenge. But I do not want revenge. My existence is not meant to be defined by retribution - my presence in this world is not to be taken as "resistance" that itself is to be resisted and quelled.  My presence is simply existence - and in itself is worth defending and standing up for.

Dominique is everything that pathos - Black pathos - is. From house slaves, to gang-on-gang murders, Black people have a sad legacy of being our own worst enemies. There's no small irony that the liar who has accused me of cyberstalking her, authored a renown spoken word poem about Emmitt Till, given that tragedy's sad and disturbing parallels.

Not only did Emmett's murder culminate from a murderous reaction to Carolyn Bryant's lies and
exaggeration, but according to eyewitnesses, at least 3 Black men helped to abduct and beat Emmett, and were observed washing away his blood after he was killed and thrown in the Tallahatchie River.

That a conscious Black woman could author a passionate ode about Emmett and his mother, evoking her own fears for her own son, yet author lies to orchestrate the incarceration of another Black person is mind-numbingly insane.

I'm not Emmett - I still live. And like his mother, I'm going to show her entire ugly, bloated body of lies to the world. Just like when MLK was in Birmingham's jail, I was still writing while incarcerated, letting my voice ring out even while she tried to (unsuccessfully) quell it.

For all of her prose and poetry about empowerment, anti-police brutality, and Black lives's all blustering and bluff. Dominique is incensed at anyone who calls her out on it, especially me.

I am not fooled nor am I scared - either of her or her flying monkeys.

Nor am I scared of the predominate social structure couched in white supremacist ideas (because those are fake).

And I am (clearly) not scared of prison or jail. 

I fear only God and His anger, and someone like Dominique has no power - she and her ilk are merely the instruments that God uses to test the moral and spiritual fabric of those He causes to touch.

And like any test I've ever taken, she will be passed.


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