Sunday, December 9, 2018

Now We Know The Motive

From: Ashaheed Media, LLC
Re: Update on Brother Taj

Brother Taj is currently being held at Arapahoe County Detention Center on domestic violence/stalking charges, related to allegations made by his ex-wife Dominique Johnson, that over the course of November 21 to mid-January, Taj texted, called, drove by, and threatened her and her kids.

The Bad News: After being tricked into a 2013 bait-and-switch plea arrangement, thinking he would end a dragged out case that he languished a year in jail fighting, by receiving probation. Taj was sentenced to and served a 4 year prison term, with an additional 2 years of supervision on parole. All of which, he completed this past October. With such a short timeline, it was easy to cast Taj as being a repeat offender, thus convincing the court to set an inordinately high bond of $100k.

The Good News: Every single allegation levied by Ms. Johnson is false.

For example:
A. Her initial allegation states that Brother Taj texted her a message on November 21st, referencing a poetry incident, contending it violated a protection order. However, not only was there no protection order (one was in place for Taj's incarceration and parole, which discharged October 29, 2017), the actual text was sent in August, referencing a controversial poetry event that occurred at the Kasbah nightclub. Brother Taj's own documented texts and phone records, already being prepared as evidence, will show the allegation is a deliberate falsehood.

B. Ms. Johnson claimed that a picture contained in an article posted on Brother Taj's blog, that was originally posted on Facebook by poet/actor Theo Wilson back in September, was a direct threat. Ms. Johnson failed to mention the prior post or the fact that police investigated and dismissed her same claim, months prior about the same picture (inexplicably Aurora police failed to note this from their own records as well).

C. Ms. Johnson made an initial, alarmingly malicious, claim that she observed Brother Taj driving around her complex on several occasions. However, in an egregious blunder, she offered police a license plate number of the car she alleged Brother Taj was driving. Unsurprisingly, it came back as someone else's car entirely, not even the year, make, model, or color of Brother Taj's vehicle.

D. Several allegations were made that Brother Taj's Twitter posts that referenced her were direct attempts to contact and threaten her. She conveniently failed to disclose to police the fact that Brother Taj has her blocked from all of his social media accounts, including Twitter. She cannot be contacted by his tweets, she wouldn't even receive a notification, even if/when Brother Taj has included her metatag in any tweets. To see any message she has to "troll" him.

After reviewing his case, a lawyer currently serving as Brother Taj's legal consultant observed to him, it seems the only reason charges were pressed, was the sheer volume of allegations, moreso than there being any actual evidence. For instance, the police did not even call Brother Taj to verify if he called or texted her, indicating skepticism or Ms. Johnson's inability to even provide evidence how or when she received any alleged calls or texts.

Brother Taj is confident that while he is experiencing a distressful and difficult situation, he will be exonerated. Unlike his prior conviction, where crucial evidence of his innocence was out of reach due in part to police seizure of some of his property and disposal of the rest by Ms. Johnson, this time, whereas Ms. Johnson in the past - and presently - proffered altered or "edited" text messages and/or faked phone calls using mobile "spoof apps" (as in the case in 2010 when she had the father of her son, Nick Williams, arrested on false charges by using a "spoof call" to make it look like Nick was harassing her... charges were quickly dropped) - Brother Taj will instead be able to provide actual phone records and authentic, complete text message threads that will counter (and reveal) Ms. Johnson's false reporting, which itself is a crime.

In a further twist, Brother Taj reports that as additional evidence, he will show texts and phone records that reveal Ms. Johnson initiated contact with him, first soliciting the assistance of a friend, Ashle Mygatt in Match of last year - and not only texted and called Brother Taj over the course of several months, expressing apologies and love, but also met him twice alone, and face to face, sharing conversation and hookah, as well as, co-attending poetry events. Even as late as November 2017, co-attending the "Woman Crush Wednesday" music showcase at The Living Room, a club in downtown Denver. All of this, coupled with the smoking gun character reference letter that Ms. Johnson wrote herself in July for Brother Taj, will in the least, call into serious question Ms. Johnson's current claims and allegations against him.

Brother Taj noted from his legal consultant the advantage of being able to bring to the witness stand individuals like Wilson, Mygatt, and others, including what may be an interesting twist, Ms. Johnson's own mother. Who, according to a screenshoted comment, apparently contacted Taj on Facebook - but is believed to actually had her profile used as a catfish attempt by her daughter. Not the first time for such a thing, as Brother Taj will also surely reference Ms. Johnson's previous conviction of theft of medical/plastic surgery services via forgery of her mother's name to foot the bill. As well as, Ms. Johnson's criminal convictions for fraud, theft, and criminal impersonation (twice). Brother Taj's confidence that he'll be exonerated is also bolstered by the 9News coverage of Ms. Johnson being investigated by the Aurora Police for fraud and forgery, attempting to steal a residence that she claimed she renovated, yet gaffed, by offering a faked picture of the alleged run down property to a 9News reporter, that turned out to be a pic from the TV show "Hoarders" instead.

Brother Taj awaits a Match 8th hearing to try the evidence against him and attempt to lower his bond. Friends and associates will be creating a Gofundme page to raise money for his defense/freedom. Stay tuned for additional coverage of his case. Ashaheed Media LLC has a media campaign to shed light on this travesty with WestWord, which has written on Ms. Johnson in the past and who just published an excellent exposé of a local activist-turned fraud "Queen Phoenix," and The Denver Post, who recently covered Brother Taj and his current federal lawsuit versus the Department of Corrections. Brother Taj was a columnist for The Post in 2006.

Write Brother Taj at:
Tajuddin Ashaheed
18-2267 (201800002267)
PO Box 4918
Centennial, CO 80155-4918.

You can also call and leave a voicemail for Brother Taj at: 720 874 3500, option 2, then option 7.

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