Thursday, November 23, 2017

the SpeakUp...

As I drag the shit out of the ex/her flyng monkeys, some have wondered/retorted back that it doesn't make sense that I am snatching her edges when, after all, I married her.
My official response ©:
When I married Dominique Christina I did not know she was a liar, klepto, cheat, and sociopath with a predilection for baby-faced teens. To me, she was beautiful, smart, talented, and all around dope.
What's funny is a lot of people knew these things (some of you/them are reading this very post) - didn't say a word. Had there been one, this post (and the reasons for it) would not exist.
As it were, I fell in love, and as a husband, a man, and a Muslim, I leaned all the way in. I was Dominique's encouragement, her cheerleader, her protector, and her clean-up man. That's what I was supposed to be.
But if you will steal from your mother for lipo and fake titties, you will steal from anyone. If you screw the teenaged son of your lover, you will fuck (over) anyone. As special as I thought I was, I was simply "anyone". I was lied to, lied on, stolen from, cheated on - and then cast as the person who was the one perpetrating this behavior. And then I went to prison but for her lies - which most people believed - even long-time friends of mine. And guess what started THAT ordeal? It started when I made the decision to leave her...

But. I am not, after all, just anyone. Dom has left a wake of corpses. Victims who she cast aside. Victims who to this day wallow in silence and whispers and shrugged shoulders - who in many ways think they deserved to be victimized.
I am not that dude. And didn't you notice? It's "call 'em out" season...🤣
Just because I married the wench does not mean I should just shut up and lick my wounds. In fact, it means the opposite - I have the greater right to stand up, point my finger and drag that demon into the light than any one. Many people have that right, but in the end they are cowards who would rather be liked by her than hold her accountable.
Dominique may never see the actual light of justice in this life. She may go on to great success - hell, I pushed her onto that road myself. She will enjoy applause and invites to spit poems about her period and fembots will line up behind her feminist/Black projections that are as fake as her whole chest. And there are some fresh faced boys who she will no doubt nurse at a fake nipple. Look at Roman Polansky. Look at Jeffery Epstien - he's a billionaire pedophile STILL having kiddie parties.
But I don't suffer injustice quietly and I am resolved to blow on her house of cards. Not just for what she did to me but for the next "friend" she endeavors to steal from. For the next organization she will embezzle from. For the next teenager who's mother calls me wondering if it's a problem Dom is texting them at 2am, For the next next door neighbor who loses their house to her squatting. For the next boyfriend (or girlfriend) whose kid she'll want to sleep with. For the next brotha who will be in jail protesting the story she will spread accusing of doing the things she actually did.
And for any of you who actually subscribe to the "shut-up-because-you-married-her" school of thought, the next time you see Dom's mom, tell her she deserved to have her name forged and put on the hook for a 12k titty bill and should not have turned her kid in because, after all, she gave birth to her. Better yet, next time you see a wife beat by her husband, tell her that...
And for the 0.001% of people on my "friends list" who are actual friends, do not worry - my life is sooooo dope right now. I got big things happening and a full plate of goals and projects that have not-a-thing to do with Dom... "Project Domol-ition" is, while a labor of love/retribution, is simply a side project ðŸ˜Ž

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