Thursday, June 27, 2019

Take No Deals Preview - the motion that dismantled my frame-up

While the case that Dominique orchestrated against me was falling apart due to it being a house of cards, my lawyer and I filed a coup de grace that made the prospect of a trial moot, much to the chagrin of the District Attorney.

As you can see, it threatened to set a precedence, riding the already established precedence of other high court cases.

I never got a chance to get a ruling -  the day the judge was to rule, the DA dropped the case...😎

Here's the masterpiece: (click link below)

Motion to Dismiss for Constitutional Grounds that beat Dominique

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you fought for yourself. A lot of people, particularly men, are railroaded by the system especially when the accuser is seen as a beautiful woman. Have you heard of petition to pass legislation against this very thing? It's called Shane's Law. Shane unfortunately took his own life as a result of the smear campaign launched by his ex. I hope false accusers have to pay for their lies that are harmful and imo, criminal.


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