Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Lie...

In the earliest of our courtship, I was head over heels in love with D...I had no idea of what I was doing or getting into, but I knew with passing days, I was going to marry her.  Little did I know that her insecurities were driving her to marry me as well - or at least convince me to do so...

The very first instance of manipulation came when D told me that someone on Facebook had "anonymously"sent her a pic of me and my ex wife cozied up together - as if to taunt her.

I believed it and became livid and called Asiyah about it. She denied it and proceed to lay into me about the stories and rumors she had heard about Dominique and that she was making all this up to convince me to be with her.

"Nonsense", I obviously thought - Asiyah was just clearly jealous that I was leaving her and hooking up with such a gorgeous wonderful woman...

Of course, I never asked Dom to actually show me what she got and later realized that she had been cyberstalking my and Asiyah's profile and saw the picture and got jealous and more insecure and used it to manipulate me.  Not that I needed to be - I was hers already. Not to mention, I wasn't exactly up on the politics of Facebook stalking...yet...

Later came more lies, like my friend Musa asking her to marry her in spite of D and I already being engaged. Then there were lies about her exboyfriend stalking her new residence...

Then came the next in a long running series of "I am being stalked" - and this one is a doozy.

Next episode... :-)

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